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Dietary Interventions in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Why They Work When They Do, Why They Don't When They Don't - Kenneth Aitken

Dietary Interventions in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Why They Work When They Do, Why They Don't When They Don't - Kenneth Aitken

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Following the increasing amount of scientific research relating to autism, various dietary approaches are being advocated to help those with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). This book provides an introduction to the clinical conditions that can cause autistic behaviour and what can be done to significantly improve many of them.

The book explores the known genetic conditions linked to autism and describes various dietary interventions. For each approach, the author explores the potential benefits; evidence for and against the diet; and information, where available, on relevant publications, web resources and support groups. The author also looks at the Simple Restriction Diet (SRD) in detail, describing how to implement this approach and how to evaluate its effects.

This book will be a valuable resource for families, individuals and professionals wishing to understand and explore the possibilities of dietary interventions and the benefits they can have for those on the autism spectrum.
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